Lockdown World Book Day

It was a World Book Day with a difference but we had great fun meeting you all. Not only have we been on pirate treasure hunts and chatted to lots of classes online but we’ve also read stories to audiences that included at least one dad and a couple of dogs. The dogs were very good listeners although one did pretend to be asleep! It was fantastic to see the comments come up on chat as the stories reached their climax. “Oh no!” “Poor Chelsea!” “Nooooooo!” It was almost as good as being in the school hall with you all.

We have more admiration than ever for teachers since we’ve had to grapple with Zoom, Google Classroom and Teams. They’ve been doing it all year. We’re also very impressed with how our readers deal with the technology – although maybe not the scribbling over our presentation when we shared screens! It’s lovely to see how excited the children are to be going back to school. Have a great time getting back together on Monday.


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